Posted by : Rohit Motwani Wednesday, 12 September 2012

While the others are preparing for
Christmas to introduce their products,
Apple has already made a decision to
introduce a sleeker version of the iPhone;
the iPhone5. Although, that could just as
well mean that one must start saving hard
earned dough for it from September, to
buy it in December.
Anyway, Apple is known for coming up with
some of the best pick-up lines for
journalists, and so was the invite for the
iPhone 5 which will be released today on
the 12th of September. The invite consisted
of the number 12 throwing a shadow of the
number 5.

The Apple iPhone 5 will follow their model
introduced a year before; the iPhone 4S.
Which obviously means that it will be
thinner and better equipped with the latest
technology. According to the information
leaks, the iPhone 5 will have a 4.2 inch
screen but that won’t be bigger than the
screen on the Samsung Galaxy S3 which is
4.8 inches. Another change would be in
replacing the existing thirty pin charge
input with a nine pin. Rumours also reveal
that the headphone jack will be at the
bottom of the phone this time; as for
features everyone is clueless and the ones
who know have been asked to keep shut.
Few are doubtful of this product being a
better comeback after the iPhone 4S
because last year the company gathered
negative vibes from their customers
regarding the marginal improvements made
in the iPhone 4S from its earlier model.
Above all this, the iPhone will come
equipped with 4G LTE but there are two
major complications to this add-on feature.
Firstly, the Samsung Galaxy, introduced
much earlier, already has 4G capabilities;
secondly, HTC is planning to sue Apple for
infringing on an LTE patent owned by them.
Certainly, for a while we thought that the
ongoing rivalry with Samsung should have
infused some discipline in their approach
to android products; however, with HTC
tightening the noose, one can rest assured
that the iPhone 5 will be launched amidst
much controversy. Still, this is a major step
taken by the company after the demise of
Steve Jobs; and they shall go ahead with the
official launch in San Francisco today, with
a promise to introduce the product in the
market in the weeks to follow.

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