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Posted by : Rohit Motwani
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Port Scanner
HotSpotSheild Proxy!
Step One: First we need to find the websites IP Adress. This is very easy todo. Ok so say they URL is http://www.yoursite.com ok now that you have your URL open Up Cmd todo this press Start>Run>cmd Once you have CMD open you type ping http://www.yoursite.com press enter and you will get the ip of the website. (YOU MUST REMOVE HTTP:// AND ANY /’s)
Step Two: Now we must test to see if port 80 is open (it usually is).
This is very easy todo to Ok open up the port scanner you downloaded.
Once in the port scanner type in your Victims ip that you got from step 1.
It will ask you todo a range scan or a full scan (SELECT REANGE SCAN!) It will ask for conformaition you have to use a capital Y or a capital N! Now enter 79 for lowest port and 81 for highest hit enter than hit cap Y.
[X] = Closed
[X] Vulnerable = Open
The final and easiest step (IF PORT 80 IS CLOSED PICK A NEW SITE!)
If port 80 is open your on your way to crashing!!
Ok open Up rDos that you download.
Enter your victims ip that we got from step 1.
It will ask you for the port to attack use port 80 that is why we scaned to make sure 80 was open! If it is closed it will not work.
Hit enter.. *=Flooding -=Crashed Or didn’t connect!
Thanks for reading i hope this helps :)